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We recognize that diversity is an expression of God's image and boundless creativity. Christians and Christian communities have a special obligation to demonstrate the reality of Christ's culture‑transforming love. Differences such as race, temperament, and culture are to be celebrated, tolerated, and incorporated into our goal of being “one” in Christ (John 17:20–23). For God’s people come from “every nation, tribe, and tongue” (1 Corinthians 12:12). For just as the Body is one and has many members, and just as all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. The calling of multicultural reconciliation does not mean minimizing cultural distinctions or forming a majority "Christian" culture. Even the surpassing unity of final redemption is expressed in Scripture with language celebrating the multicultural and multilingual heritage of the Christian Church. Accordingly, in the Book of Revelation, "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language" stands before the throne of God and the Lamb, singing praises (Revelation 7:9). For Christians, the practice of multicultural diversity is motivated by love for God and therefore by love for other human beings. Since God is the Father and Creator of all, his love rests upon all, even upon those who reject him. He therefore calls Christians and Christian communities to imitate his love in its world‑wide embrace. More than offer resources, then, this website hosts the experiences of many, their stories, regarding this issue—to encourage all, and to help us hope for that Kingdom come.
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